Thursday, February 3, 2011

Project Completed


Headis said...
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Headis said...

Hi Aleš!

Great work you're doing here. Nice appearance of your skyscraper- do you plan to insert your main structure with levels as well?

I somehow bookmarked your blog some time ago when i was searching for voronoi stuff in sketchup- and now digged it out when i cleaned up my bookmarks ;)

By that time i could't get far with this topic (Qhull, Pointcloud whatever) but i'm still interested..

Would you mind sharing your knowledge (and your workflow) with me / the world?

I'd really appreciate that, would be great! ;)

Best regards from Berlin,


-edit- deleted the first comment to check notice by mail - box

Aleš Golli said...

Hi Niko!

I'm not sure that I undestood your question about the (inner?) structure... at this point, I chose simpler solution with very common arrangement - core and open space around, with leveled floors... but here I came across a solution with more complex interior, which you may find interesting:

Regarding the Voronoi diagrams - I didn't create them in Sketchup, I only used Sketchup for the final presentation. When I started working with the Voronoi diagrams, there weren't many tools around - I used Qhull and wrote several prototype programs on Microsoft .NET patform (C#, WPF). Since they are far from being user-friendly, I had that idea to write a real application for messing with the Voronoi diagrams and genetic algoritms (the latter were really the main focus of my project), but my current lack of time leaves me pessimistic about that :-(

If I would have started now, I would perhaps use the Rhino/Grasshopper/Qhull combination. I think it's very powerful and that it opens countless new possibilities.