Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My first Voronoi Genetic-house

This is the first example of all the stuff put together: my C# "interactive breeder" software, Qhull and Sketchup (for final eye-candy-type visualisation).

As I pointed out in the previous post, some restrictions were made in deploying the input Voronoi sites. Most of them are derived using the interactive genetic algorithm; however, I sometimes force the grid distribution of the input sites, which can be nicely seen in this model - there are some areas of rectangular regularity.

While this can be seen as a cheating the evolutionary process, it is important to me to get insight in the rules of morphogenesis (genotype -> phenotype conversion). To be an architecture, the "genetic-house" must exhibit some architectural features - leveled floor of internal spaces (or rooms), for example, is perhaps the most important feature.

This "house" (I suppose you wouldn't like to live it it) is the major milestone in my project. I'll do a lot of them in the days ahead to get some feeling about what works and what doesn't.

Then I have to refine the genotype definition as well as phenotype development - morphogenesis. I am somewhat sorry that I won't have the time to implement all the ideas continually emerging at every step of my research.

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